SNV2 track

Functionality of SNV2 tracks

SNV2 tracks are an extension of SNV tracks. It’s equipped with the ability to show amino acid level mutations. It also supports everything that SNV tracks support: color code mutations, zoomed-in and zoomed-out views, revealing detailed info upon mouse click, etc. SNV2 format is specified with extreme flexibility.

Essentially, the SNV2 format is a combination of categorical tracks (color coding) and bed tracks (text display). You can imagine it as “color coded bed tracks”. This enables it to be reused for many other purposes. We provide scripts to generate SNV2 tracks reporting the potential amino acid mutations, but we encourage you to customize it with your own scripts.


Defining the format of SNV2

SNV2 tracks can have as many columns as necessary. The first 3 columns encode the genomic positions. The 4th column encodes category. All columns starting from the 4th column will be shown as text upon mouse click. The mapping between categories and colors is specified in Json.

column detail
1 chromosome name for epigenome browser, reference name for virus genome browser (such as NC_045512.2 for SARS-CoV-2)
2 start position on the reference genome, 0 based, inclusive
3 stop position on the reference genome, 0 based, not inclusive
4 category. Controls color code, will also show as text in popup window upon clicking
5, 6, 7… text columns. will show as text in popup window upon clicking

The 4th column is mapped to colors through specifying “segmentColors” in the “options” part of the json of datahubs. The detailed tutorial on how to use json is here:

However, if you are using the SNV2 track to show AA mutations, you don’t need to upload as json, because we have default color code mapping:

"options": {
    "segmentColors": {
        "un_sequenced": "Linen",
        "noncoding_insertion": "LightGrey",
        "noncoding_deletion": "LightGrey",
        "noncoding_mismatch": "LightGrey",
        "silent": "DimGrey",
        "frameshift": "FireBrick",
        "missense": "CornflowerBlue",
        "AA_deletion": "CornflowerBlue",
        "AA_insertion": "CornflowerBlue",
        "N_mask": "Linen",
        "deletion_mask": "Linen"

For a quick demo:

NC_045512.2     10000   10001   duck    cyberduck       cyberduck quit unexpectedly

zip it and index it using bgzip and tabix ( Then put it into a Json like this:

       "name": "duck",
       "type": "snv2",
       "url": "",
       "options": {
           "segmentColors": {
               "duck": "red"

upload the track through Tracks -> Remote Tracks -> Add Remote Data Hub You will see:


One of our snv2 tracks for SARS-CoV-2 is coded like this:

NC_045512.2     0       16      un_sequenced            un_sequenced
NC_045512.2     240     241     noncoding_mismatch      mismatch: T     NC_045512.2:240-241 | ORF:noncoding | C > T | noncoding_mismatch
NC_045512.2     3036    3037    silent  mismatch: T     NC_045512.2:3034-3037 | ORF1ab:F924 | TTC > TTT | F > F | silent ; NC_045512.2:3034-3037 | ORF1a:F924 | TTC > TTT | F > F | silent
NC_045512.2     14407   14408   missense        mismatch: T     NC_045512.2:14406-14409 | ORF1ab:P4715 | CCT > CTT | P > L | missense
NC_045512.2     23402   23403   missense        mismatch: G     NC_045512.2:23401-23404 | S:D614 | GAT > GGT | D > G | missense
NC_045512.2     29872   29903   un_sequenced            un_sequenced

Scripts for generating snv2 tracks

All of our premade SNV2 tracks that you can see in Tracks -> Public Data Hubs are generated through a set of scripts that can be found at

The main function tsv2snv2.2(), which we used to generate all snv2 files in the public data hubs, is in snv2_public_7_2_20.R, while the helper functions are in snv2_helper_7_2_20.R. We used snv2_orf_7_2_20.R to generate the tsv file with ORF information required in the main function.

The arguments of tsv2snv2.2():

argument detail
tsv.vec a vector of tsv files generated by in tempt_dir (an argument for
ref.fa name of the fasta file for the reference. The one for SARS-CoV-2 is here
ref.orf.table a dataframe or the name of a tsv file containing this dataframe. the ORF information for the reference. the one for SARS-CoV-2 is already generated. Refer to it for formatting.
min.contig.head.tail integer. used to mask the beginning and the end of the sequenced region, so that unsequenced regions won’t be treated as deletions. default is 15, which means the first 15 continuous non-deletions marks the beginning of the sequenced region. The same applies for the end of the sequenced region
out.snv2.vec a vector of output snv2 file name
hier.df a dataframe containing the ‘hierarchy’ of different types of mutations, can also be the name of a tsv file containing this dataframe. Sometimes one nucleotide can be used by more than one ORF. The mutation at this nucleotide might cause different types of amimo acid mutations for different ORFs. For example, a mutation can be silent for ORF A, but missense for ORF B. In this case, ‘missense’ will override ‘silent’ because of the settings in hier.df. Refer to hier.df.6.18.tsv for formatting
thread.master the number of snv2 files to generate in parallel
thread.sub the number of orfs to process in parallel
bedtools.path deprecated. Just pass it something
return.df bool. if the entire snv2 track should be returned as a dataframe.